Karmenu Vella, the EU\'s Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, will present the Commission\'s proposals for fixing fishing opportunities for 2015 for the Atlantic, North Sea and Black Sea to the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on the 15th and 16th December.
EU Fisheries Ministers are set to reach political agreement so that the limits can enter into force on 1 January 2015. This annual proposal sets the limit for the amount of fish which can be caught by EU fishermen from the main commercial fish stocks next year and it is for the first time based on the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) which aims to have all stocks fished at sustainable levels. Ministers will also discuss the state of play of discussions between the European Parliament and Council on the implementation of the landing obligation which comes into force gradually from 1st January 2015.
On Agriculture issues, Ministers will have a discussion about the dairy sector in the context of the Russian embargo and the end of the quota regime next year, guided by a Presidency questionnaire. The Italian Presidency will also seek to draw conclusions on a range of dossiers on which progress has been made in the past 6 months, notably on organics, on young farmers, and the error rate in agricultural spending. Under Any Other Business, Commissioner Hogan will make a statement about CAP simplification, and a range of other dossiers will be discussed, including the situation for Rural Development Programmes. The EU Commissioner in charge of Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis will attend the Council on Monday 15 December. Commissioner Andriukaitis will discuss with the Italian Presidency and the Ministers the progress of various Commission Proposals, namely the ones on: animal health, protective measures against pests of plants, zootechnical legislation and the current legislative proposal on plant protective material. After the Council meeting, there will be a press conference in the Council\'s press room chaired by the Italian Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, where Commissioners Andriukaitis and Hogan will participate.