From 5 October 2012 the provisions of Commission Directive 2011/75/EU of 2 September 2011 amending Council Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment will apply to the equipment which is subject to Council Directive 96/98/EC.
Directive 2011/75/EU contains a new Annex A to Directive 96/98/EC.
Equipment specified in column 1 of Annex A.1 as „ex A.2/...”, which was produced before 5 October 2012 and in accordance with the procedures for type approval being in force on the Member State’s territory before that date, may be placed on the European Community market or used as equipment of the Community ship until 5 October 2014.
Equipment with a note “Refer to note (c) of this Annex A.1” in column 1 of Annex A.1, which was produced before 10 December 2011 and in accordance with the procedures for type approval being in force on the Member State’s territory before that date, may be placed on the European Community market or used as equipment of the Community ship until 10 December 2013. (The provision regarding the equipment with such a note results from the Commission Directive 2010/68/EC of 22 October 2010, replaced by the Directive 2011/75/EU).
Directive is available on the website:
Consolidated text of 96/98/EC directive is available on the website: