Baltic Container Conference 2010
9-10th March 2010
Fourth annual edition of: The Baltic Container Conference
,,Interrelations and multidimensional significance of container business in global trade projects: World - Europe - Baltic Region,,
Polish Baltic F. Chopin Philharmonic in Gdansk
1 Olowianka str.
Gdansk 80-751
Global economic slow down has caused a huge problems in a transport sector, especially in world container traffic. According to the Drewry Shipping Consultants forecasts, the total seaports container turnover should limit by 10% in 2009. The outcomes of the first half of the year have approved that statement. The turnovers of Chinese seaports decreased by 9.9% (to 66.73m TEU), container traffic in Rotterdam went down by 15% (4.6m TEU) and outcomes of Big Port of St. Petersburg dropped by 32%. What is more, operators and shippers have also noticed the loses. Net profit of Hutchison Whampoa decreased by 33% (y-o-y), ICTSI has noticed the limitation of net income by 39% and income of FESCO has constituted only 20% of last year level! For that reason, FESCO will no longer be involved in financing and constructing the conteiner terminal in Ust Luga.
And now there is a question, how the main market players are going to manage with such kind of problems? Will they plan to utilize these period as the incentive and a chance for implementation of necessary changes and strategies? These kind of issues will be analised and discused during the IVth International Baltic Container Conference 2010.