Baltic Ports Conference 2022
Date of publication: 26.08.2022
07-09-2022 - 08-09-2022

Baltic Ports Conference 2022 is nearly here

In less than a month, on September 7-8, 2022, the next edition of the Baltic Ports Conference, an annual gathering of members and partners of the Baltic Ports Organization, will come to Gdynia. The event is one of the most important meetings of representatives of the port sector in the Baltic Sea region (BSR).

One of the main themes of the conference will be the current geopolitical situation in the BSR and its impact on the maritime transport market. Speakers representing the Atlantic Council, Baltic Ports Organization and Actia Forum will present an analysis of the geopolitical changes in the region and the related challenges awaiting European countries and ports in the near future.

Experts from the consulting firm Ernst & Young will familiarize the participants with the sanctions imposed on Russia and their significance for various areas of transportation - road, rail and, of course, maritime sectors. Geopolitical issues, sanctions and their significance for the development of maritime transport will also be discussed during a number of discussion panels, which will include representatives of the Ports of Helsinki, Rostock, Riga and Ystad, as well as representatives of ESPO, Unifeeder and CBSS.

Port sector in the context of energy transition

While the geopolitical situation in the BSR is the leading topic at the moment, it is not the only source of challenges for the shipping sector. The announced energy transition is another important piece of the puzzle for the sector's development.

What impact do international crises have on the perception of fossil energy sources? Will the implementation of the goals envisioned by the European Union under the New Green Deal proceed as planned? These questions will be answered by experts from SEA-LNG, while representatives of the Port of Klaipeda talk about where ports should look for new sources of revenue in connection with the energy transition process.

Change brings not only challenges, but also new opportunities. Representatives of the Ports of Tallinn and Gdynia, among others, will discuss which pro-environmental investments have the greatest potential and will allow ports to maintain a high level of competitiveness.

Welcome to Gdynia

The Port of Gdynia is also the host of this year's Baltic Ports Conference. The organizers of the event, the Baltic Ports Organization, are extremely pleased to be able to invite their members to Gdynia during the year when the Port celebrates its 100th birthday. The unique atmosphere is sure to prompt participants to even more lively discussions, both in the conference hall, behind the scenes and during the evening cocktail party that will crown the first day of the event.

More information can be found on the conference website: