By combining Damen’s capabilities in Shipbuilding, Research and Services, they are now able to offer a cost effective alternative to retrofitting fixed BWT systems.
Damen has developed a unique InvaSave Mobile Ballast Water Discharge Technology which enables port based ballast water management. The mobile solution means ballast water only needs treating at the point of discharge, in contrast to fixed onboard BWT installations that also need to treat ballast water at intake.
Gert jan Oude Egberink, Damen Manager Ballast Water Treatment, comments: ‘We have been looking for what we can do to help our customers regarding ballast water treatment and finding alternatives for those owners who may not want to retrofit a ballast water treatment system, perhaps because their ships operate on fixed routes or their ships are too old and make the investment in a system prohibitively expensive. Ports may also need to provide back-up, in case a ship’s onboard treatments systems fail.’
Damen can deliver the system as a self-sufficient mobile container, which can be put on board of a Damen Ballast Water Treatment Vessel or be moved around the port on a trailer, a pontoon or other type of vessel. Each Damen InvaSave 300 container unit handles 300m3/h, and it is easy to scale up by using multiple container units.