Business Assurance raises the bar for management systems again through the launch of Next Generation Risk based Certification.
“We have come to a point where businesses can’t perform well without doing good. Sustainability has to be an integrated part when successful companies create value by meeting the world’s economic, social and environmental needs. This is why we push the boundaries again by introducing an offering that unleash even more business value for our customers through management system certification,” says Luca Crisciotti, CEO of DNV GL – Business Assurance.
Sustainability is a growing focus for companies of all sizes. Large companies still lead the way, but as highlighted in the Global Corporate Sustainability Report 2013 by United Nations Global Compact, smaller companies are catching up. This trend was also backed up in the global survey conducted in 2013 by DNV GL – Business Assurance and the research institute GFK Eurisko on more than 2300 professionals word wide.
The study found that sustainability is rising on the agenda for companies of all sizes. While close to 90 % of medium and large companies felt the need to provide sustainable products, 83 % of companies employing less than 50 people saw the need as well.
Next Generation Risk Based Certification™ brings the full stakeholder perspective and most critical risks to long and short term business success into the certification process. This enables businesses to find sustainable paths for creating value, building trust and meet future standardization developments.
For example, ISO is moving to improve how its management systems standards support companies in becoming more sustainable with requirements on stakeholder analysis.
“At DNV GL, we have certified management systems for decades and took a leap in 2004 when we introduced the Risk Based Certification methodology. Ten years later, we raise the bar again. In our Next Generation Risk Based Certification process, we partner with our customers in taking a broader view on management system certification, looking at all relevant stakeholders to ensure that management systems better support long-term business goals and sustainable business performance,” says Mr. Crisciotti.
New tool for future value
Companies are increasingly being held accountable for their entire value chain, and need to find ways to manage this. That means understanding a broader set of issues and risks, managing their operational challenges today while also building sustainable business performance over time. Businesses have to take a broader view to understand the total context of their operations – understanding risks and demands and manage and mitigate them.
“Next Generation Risk Based Certification helps you use your management system to better navigate a complex business environment. By taking all relevant stakeholders into consideration, you are able to better see what and who impacts your ability to reach your business targets,” says Mr. Crisciotti.
Management involvement
The Finnish process performance provider Metso supports the mining, construction, and oil & gas industries globally. Metso Automation has piloted the Next Generation Risk Based Certification methodology for their latest management system re-certification to the standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
Even though sustainability is an embedded part of Metso’s overarching strategy, DNV GL’s certification process helped ensure a tighter integration of sustainability into the many processes of the organisation.
“The audits have generated valuable input on how to improve our processes. It is important that we can inform our stakeholders that we meet the requirements of global standards,” says Aniitta Sepännen, Director of Quality Management at Metso Automation.
“The involvement from the management group might be the biggest value we have gained by handling things in a new and smart way,” Sepännen concludes.
Press Release, February 19, 2014
DNV GL Pushes the Boundaries for Management Systems
Date of publication: 20.02.2014