Haco Sp. z o.o. - MarinePoland.com

Haco Sp. z o.o.

Ship equipment and constructions
Obrońców Westerplatte 5A
83-000 Pruszcz Gdański

Ship constructions

HACO is a manufacturer of a wide range of ship equipment andconstructions. We have a sumptuously equipped machine park enabling awide range of mechanic processing of the manufactured elements –milling, chipping, drilling, threading, grinding, etc. Flagshipexamples of manufacturing capacities are two machines for large-sizemachining, purchased during the last year, which significantlyincrease HACO's capabilities:

- large-size lathe Ø1740mm, L=3000, 12t

- large-size boring machine CNC, h=2000, L=6000, 12t

Wecan deliver all ship constructions equipped with electric andhydraulic installations. We also carry out surface finishing withgalvanising and cleaning and painting the manufactured constructionswith priming and final paint. We deliver elements with certificatesby Classification Associations.

Off-shore constructions

At the moment of beginning cooperation with the most important enterprises on the off-shore market, a possibility of manufacturing elements and constructions used in fossil fuels extractive industry opened for HACO. For several years we have been manufacturing:

- elements of extracting systems for oilrigs

- telescope jibs of deep extraction systems

- elements of shore servicing stations

- elements of equipment for marine extraction service vessels

The final products are complete devices equipped with hydraulic and electric installations which are subject to functionality and operation tests, delivered directly to the end user.

This production is still developing and thanks to investments in new processing systems, HACO is planning to increase sales within this scope of activity.