International action taken on protecting shark, ray and sawfish species
Date of publication: 11.11.2014

The 11th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) was held in Quito, Ecuador, from 4 to 9 November 2014.

The EU was amongst the Parties agreeing on the listing on the CMS Appendices of a number of migratory species. The listing of a species on Appendix I implies an obligation for strict protection whilst Appendix II listing commits countries to coordinate internationally to improving the species\' conservation status.

Twenty one out of the thirty two proposals to add species to the Convention’s appendices concerned shark, ray and sawfish species. The EU\'s proposals for the Appendix II listing of three thresher shark species and the Cuvier’s beaked-whale were adopted, whilst the European Eel was also added to Appendix I. Other proposals from Kenya, Egypt, Fiji, Costa Rica and Ecuador for a range of sawfish, ray, and shark species were also adopted. Elsewhere, several resolutions related to marine and maritime issues were agreed on, including the conservation of migratory sharks and rays, marine debris, live capture of cetaceans and boat-based wildlife watching.

The CMS conference, was held for the first time in a Latin American country and has attracted more than 900 delegates, representing the 120 Parties to the Convention, non-Parties, IGOs and NGOs. The next Conference will take place in 2017.