ISO 50001 certificate for BCT
Date of publication: 17.06.2014

On May 30, 2014, the BCT (Baltic Container Terminal) hosted the ISO 50001:2011 certificate ceremony, confirming implementation of the energy management system in BCT.

It is the culmination of numerous months of preparation and work of the specially appointed Energy Management System Implementation and Maintenance Team in BCT, aiming at implementation of new energy use supervision procedures in the company.

During the last months of 2013, the Energy Management System Implementation and Maintenance Team in BCT has reviewed the company in terms of energy consumption in the terminal. It helped determine existing trends in energy consumption and the related costs, and establish plans for improving the energy efficiency. The necessary information about BCT electric energy, thermal energy and fuel use was gathered and analysed, and the most energy-intensive processes were identified. The above-mentioned data was the base for determination of authoritative goals and tasks for the year to come.

Once again, Lloyd’s Register LRQA, acting on behalf of LRQA Sveringe AB, was the certifying unit—the same that had certified BCT with regard to other ISO standards—related to quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), and food safety (ISO22000).

Thanks to a thorough internal audit, information campaign for the crew, their commitment and high awareness of what the advantages of ISO 50001 ISO standard implementation might be, a new energy management system was launched at the beginning of 2014. The entire process was crowned with the external audit carried out by a certifying unit, and BCT energy management ISO 50001:2011 certification.

“As we see it, it was a necessary step to maintain high competitiveness of the terminal — said Krzysztof Szymborski, the President of BCT. — Implementation of the new energy standard ensures a regular, thorough and complex supervision of operations in terms of energy intensity, and introduces continuous optimisation processes for energy consumption. Our analyses show such an action brings mainly advantages, but it also supports our efforts to care for the environment.”

The ISO 50001 energy management system implementation and certification at BCT\'s (Baltic Container Terminal) in Gdynia is the first such implementation in Polish container terminals.
In the nearest future, BCT will be subjected to a complex audit covering combined BCT management systems — quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), and energy (ISO 50001) management.