Lauching SAMSØ
Date of publication: 28.03.2014
LNG-propelled ferry for car and passanger shipping has been lauched by Remontowa Shipbuilding in Gdansk on march 27th. It\'s second vessel finished in Polish shipyards this year.
The vessel is 100 meters long and 19 meters wide. It can carry up to 600 passangers and 160 cars at a time. It\'s name – SAMSØ, comes from the Danish commune which ordered it.
- Its\'s twelfth ferry unit launched in our shipyard that is powered by LNG – said Andrzej Wojtkiewicz, president of Remontowa Shipbuilding. - Danish self-goverment reciver is what makes this contract exceptional. Most of our orders come from private ship owners in Norway.
Lauching was made in traditional way – broadside on water, what attracted publicity of this event.