M/V Kvannøy launching - MarinePoland.com
M/V Kvannøy launching
Date of publication: 26.11.2014

On November 25st Nauta Shiprepair Yard launched partly outfitted hull of purse seiner/trawler Kvannøy. This is the 4th launching in Nauta this year.

Kvannøy has an overall length of 69.95 meters and a beam of 15.5 meters. The vessel is equipped among others with live fish tanks.

This year Nauta already successfully completed buildings of one Platform Supply Vessel – SIEM Symphony and two purse seiners – both ships (Torbas and Haugagut) were launched in August. Another five trawlers and two research-vessels are under construction in Nauta Shiprepair Yard.

Contractual partner – Karstensens Skibsvaerft AS is a modern and efficient shipyard with long traditions in shipbuilding and repairs. The contract with Karstensens Skibsvaert is a continuation of the existing cooperation between both companies – so far the Danish shipyard has already ordered in Nauta four other fishing vessels.