We Europeans are INSEPARABLE from our seas and the fish they offer us. The European Commission has this month launched Inseparable, a Europe-wide campaign to promote sustainable fishing. Inseparable builds on the momentum of the CFP reform and recognises that we all have our part to play if we want to protect one of our most precious resources. The campaign runs in parallel with the new CFP\'s coming into force and shares the same message - let\'s make fishing sustainable. Information will be provided on how we can all make the small changes to our everyday habits to ensure we can keep fishing sustainably in future generations. The campaign\'s hub will be online through a dedicated website packed full with resources and practical information to advise European consumers and other market actors on how they can eat, buy, and sell sustainable fish. Interactive content including pictures, videos and competitions will be posted through the campaign\'s Facebook and Twitter accounts. Maria Damanaki, Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, launched Inseparable campaign at an event held this week in Hamburg\'s International Maritime Museum, co-hosted by the city\'s mayor, Olaf Scholz. The campaign\'s message was supported by the other speakers at the event including Ulrike Rodust, who led the European Parliament\'s negotiations during the CFP reform discussions, and Maria Flachsbarth, Parliamentary Secretary of State, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The event was attended by representatives from industry, non-governmental organisations, consumer groups, academics, chefs and other key stakeholders. Speaking at the event Commissioner Damanaki said: \"We all have a responsibility to make the small changes needed to make sure there are jobs for tomorrow\'s fishermen and enough fish left in the sea for our children. So the message today is please eat, buy, sell sustainable fish\" We need your help Readers of the newsletter are our key stakeholders with an interest and expertise in maritime affairs and fisheries. We need your help to spread the message of the campaign. So, visit the website, watch and share our YouTube video, and tell us what you think on Facebook and on Twitter (@inseparableeu). source: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom
Make a difference by eating, buying, or selling sustainable seafood
Date of publication: 03.02.2014