MLC 2006 Questions & Answers -
MLC 2006 Questions & Answers
Date of publication: 03.07.2014

Polski Rejestr Statków S.A. provides training services to the maritime sector  in the area of the Society’s own technical expertise. With the beginning of 2014, PRS R&D Division started developing training sessions covering technical and regulatory requirements applicable in the maritime sector.  

Sharing experience and knowledge is the keynote of the growing activity of the PRS R&D division, which gathers ship related technical experts. Classification societies  check on and follow both technical novelties and evolving standards as well as their application. PRS survey operations in turn  mean experience in application and verification for compliance with standards and rules/regulations in force.

In May, PRS conducted a training and debate session on the Maritime Labour Convention MLC 2006, which entered into force on August 20 last year but continues to lack sufficient regulations in national legislation of various maritime administrations worldwide. Interpretations and legal consequences of selected MLC 2006 provisions were presented and discussed during the training session by Prof. Monika Tomaszewska from theUniversity ofGdańsk  together with  Grzegorz Ruszczyński, PRS surveyor, who shared his practical MLC 2006 knowledge originating from his practice in auditing units for conformity with Convention provisions. The cooperation of the Gdańsk University Faculty of Law and Administration with Polish Register of Shipping resulted in a training session covering both theoretical and practical aspects of the new requirements and their consequences  for, among others; seafarers, shipowners, operators, maritime administrations, crewing agencies, insurers, trade unions, maritime chambers, etc. The participants contributed to the session by sharing their experience and pointing out areas that require further action. The MLC 2006 training session attracted representatives of shipowners, crewing agencies, maritime administrations and insurers.

The positive feedback by training participants encouraged PRS to develop another training session devoted to MLC 2006.

Other PRS training sessions were strictly technical, e.g. assessing the technical condition of containers or radio related requirements laid down in conventions, codes, EU Directives, and requirements of flag administrations for ships operated domestically and internationally.

Companies, individuals identifying their own training targets decide on the subject scope of training sessions provided by the R&D. PRS listens attentively to these expectations as well as suggests training connected with the updating, upgrading and new domestic and international safety standards, regulations and responsibilities stemming from ratification of international maritime conventions (IMO).  

Bearing in mind its mission PRS has prepared training on safe operation of fishing cutters addressed to fisherman, skippers, boatswains in fishing ports and the Maritime Administration . R&D assumes that better awareness of key safety related factors will contribute to a decline in the number of fisherman related fatalities on theBaltic Sea.