New EU rules on the labelling of fishery and aquaculture products came into force on 13 December 2014. The aim of the new rules is to make the information to consumers more transparent and help them understand where their seafood has come from and when it was caught or farmed.
Whether shopping at a fishmonger or in a supermarket, consumers want clearer and more understandable food labelling to help them make informed choices on the food they eat. Many EU businesses have already prepared their new labels and see the changes as an opportunity to better differentiate their products in the market and help their consumers make those more informed choices.
The changes also seek to play its part in promoting sustainable fishing and aquaculture. Fishery products are a renewable biological resource, taken from a natural environment, and whose operation is governed by mandatory conservation measures aimed at establishing sustainable fisheries. If the consumer is to be an active actor in the sustainable use of the oceans the label needs to provide understandable, verifiable and accurate information. To help consumers get to know the changes and know what to expect on their seafood label, the European Commission has issued a pocket guide to the new rules. The guide explains what must appear on the new labels and what additional information can be displayed.
More info: http://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/documentation/publications/eu-new-fish-and-aquaculture-consumer-labels-pocket-guide_en.pdf