MTL: From Norway to Tanzania and Poland
Date of publication: 10.09.2014

Duisburg based MTL, commercial manager of about 50 multi-purpose bulkers from 3,900mt to 178,000mt dwt and 100% member of the Hartmann Group, recently fixed an extraordinary trade: The route will take MV DELAWAREDIEP from FLORØ, Northern Norway, alongside the West African coast, around the Cape of Good Hope to Mtwara, Tanzania. After discharging there, the vessel will call Durban, South Africa, and continue its voyage to the final destination in Szczecin, Poland – quite a long journey of about 3 months for the master and his crew. The vessel loaded different project cargoes, for example thread chasings and steel joints, IBC tanks and centralizer as downhole product. With regard to MTL’s usual trading areas such as the Baltic, the European continent & UK, the MedSea and the Black Sea, this voyage is a rare exception.