With reference to the information provided on January 10, 2013 we present Supplement no 1 to the First Report to the European Commission and the Member States on Mutual Recognition within ship classification (further referred to as Report).
The Supplement contains the agreed technical requirements for the second group of products (TR2), which starting July 1,2013 are covered by the certification procedure for mutually recognised Type Approval Certificates (MR TAC). The requirements are set out in Annexes no. 12÷22 to PRS Publication No. 102/P.
Amendments to the agreed technical requirements for the first product group (TR1) will appear in consecutive supplements issued to the Report referred to above.
The certification process for issue of the mutually recognised Type Approval Certificate (MR TAC) for products in TR1 andTR2 will be performed according to an agreed procedure described in Annex 12.6 to the Report and incorporated into the PRS Publication No. 102/P.