Maersk Line, the world biggest container line was the first global operator to recognize the potential of DCT Gdansk to become the Baltic hub. Since the beginning of 2010 Maersk Line S-class vessels within the AE10 string call DCT Gdansk on weekly basis to connect Asia with central Europe. In the beginning of July 2010, Maersk Line introduced an additional Baltic feeder connection that uses solely DCT as hub port.
In addition to benefitting from DCT’s high quality service, Maersk Line has also recognized that DCT Gdansk’s location is a more advantageous as a hub to serve other Baltic region destinations. Maersk Line’s Managing Director for Eastern Central Europe covering Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, Mr Jeff Gosciniak said: “We are pleased to announce that Maersk Line has deployed a new own feeder service on July 2nd named F15. The service is designed to cater for the additional import volumes from Gdansk to St. Petersburg as well as the export flows from St.Petersburg and Kotka to Gdansk. We hope that this service will give even more flexibility to our Customers in the Baltic Sea Region” Since beginning of July, the 956 TEU mv Hanse Confidence sails from DCT Gdansk every week as part of the new F15 service. The feeder vessel calls St. Petersburg (Russia) and Kotka (Finland), allowing a single vessel to complete the service loop in only seven days. Similar services operating from traditional Western European hub ports typically require at least two vessels and longer transit time to service the same destinations. Thanks to this new feeder connection, DCT Gdansk is currently the only terminal in Poland offering two connections a week to Kotka and St. Petersburg.
New Baltic feeder connection from DCT Gdansk
Date of publication: 22.07.2010