Polski Rejestr Statków S.A. developed new dedicated software under the interim name “StabPRS–Rem Lift 25000”, for operating the semi submersible barge Rem Lift 25000, used for docking floating objects on board and transporting the objects along sheltered waterways.
The software was developed for Gdańsk Shiprepair Yard “Remontowa”.
The program is a loading calculator for quick assessment of the overall barge stability and strength in every stage of the object barge docking, transporting and object refloating operation. It allows for the preparation of a ready scenario for flooding and emptying /regulating the water mass in the ballast tanks/ and checking proper positioning of the object docked on board the barge in terms of the object’s functional parameters.
Under the contract with Gdańsk Shiprepair Yard “Remontowa”, PRS verifies and approves the “StabPRS–Rem Lift 25000” software as adequate and sufficient for self-evaluation of the barge stability and strength in the docking and transport operations of any floating object, and the calculation report produced by the program is recognised by PRS as “Information on the barge stability and stregnth”. To verify the program calculations PRS performed stability and strength calculations of the barge with the client indicated floating object on board.
Similarly as the Silver Anchor Award (BALTEXPO 2009) winning program StabPRS, the software is a technologically advanced tool that facilitates and assures safety of the conducted operations.
The author of the concept and program is Dr Andrzej Laskowski, an expert in PRS R&D Department.
The displayed audiovisual demo shows how the “StabPRS–Rem Lift 25000” program operates: http://www.prs.pl/company/news/latest-news/2013/new-prs-developed-software.html
source: www.prs.pl