An increase in the field of the Baltic offshore activity noted among the Polish enterprises, revealed the need for verification and supplementing associated national regulations. The conversion and change in the methods of use of production platforms belonging to the LOTOS Group, previously floating and now becoming stationary, enforced modification of relevant standards. In response to this, PRS took up to develop missing rules for the construction and survey of the offshore fixed production platforms. They are, at present, published in the form of Publication No. 105/P.
Lotos Petrobaltic has four platforms, including one stationary PG-1, the only constructed as a marine engineering structure, in accordance with the building law regulations. Three other platforms: Lotos Petrobaltic, Baltic Beta and Petrobaltic have buoyancy characteristics, however, the Baltic Beta (BB) is permanently founded on the deposit, while Petrobaltic, after conversion to production unit (similar to Baltic Beta) will be founded permanently, too. The platform Lotos Petrobaltic is a mobile platform intended to be temporarily founded on the deposit for the time of drilling works. All the platforms have been designed and constructed in accordance with MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units) Code requirements, but they have not been complying with the building law regulations.
For these three platforms of LOTOS to be permanently founded on the sea bed within the Polish marine area, consideration of associated building law and other law regulations specific for such marine engineering objects has become indispensable. Our Rule Publication No. 105/P – Rules for Construction and Survey of Fixed Offshore Platforms satisfies all these requirements. The rules of the Publication take into account all technical, organizational and legal requirements for the platforms (systems) converted from MODU into FOP (Fixed Offshore Platform) and ensure required level of the object and personnel safety, as well as environment protection. The Publication takes into account both building law regulations and the Polish Maritime Administration requirements.