3:51:49 – it`s the amount of time needed by one of the most titled competitors in open water swimming history – 11 times winner of the 25km World Championship – Petar Stoychev to swim more than 18km distance between Hel and Gdynia. It`s almost two hours less than the last record, that until today remained unchallenged since 1966. Trent Grimsey, Australia, got to the finish line second, losing about two minutes to the winner. Best female swimmer was Christine Jennings, who needed 4 hours and 40 sec. to complete the race. All the competitors managed to finish the race.
On saturday, 26th of august, most extreme swimming event in Poland took place. At 10am 14 competitors took of from Hel peninsula to compete on 18,5 km long route to the city beach in Gdynia.Water was about 18-19 degress celsius. All fourteen , five women and nine men amongst them, managed to finish the race. Winners are Petar Stoychev from Bulgaria and Christine Jennings from USA. Marathon ended after the last competitor reached the finish line, which happend after 5 hours and 21 minutes from the start.
Amongst polish competitors, Natalia Charlos turned to be the fastest, gettingto the finish line in 4 hours 2 min. and 29 sec. , which gave her 2nd place in women category. Best polish male was Krzysztof Pielowski, who finished the race as the 5th male competitor, with the result of 4 hours 14 min. and 44 sec.
BCT Gdynia Marathon meant a great challenge not only for the swimmers, but for organizers, who wanted to reach highest level demanded by FINA, as well. „Our goal is to get FINA patronage for the event next year. This being the case, we have to meet all the mot restrictive requirements for long distance swimming event. The marathon was supervised by FINA officials, who were guarding the correct course of the race. We are proud not only because the athletes shown great sportsmanship, but also that we managed to organise the event on the highest level” - said Dagmara Łuczka, spokeperson for the BCT Gdynia Marathon.
Durig the race, competitors were securde in on-to-one formula, which means each of them got his own RIB boat with coach, lifeguard and race official. Marathon was also accompanied by leader boat, two groups of divers and special medical boat.
Event was held under the patronage of Minister of Sports and Tourism, Ms. Joanna Mucha, President of Gdynia Mr. Wojciech Szczurek, City of Hel and Commander of Polish Navy, Admiral Tomasz Mathea.
source: www.bct.gdynia.pl