On December 20, 2013, the Polish Inspectorate of Armaments announced its intention of con- ducting a technical dialogue to prepare the ac- quisition of three new submarines. Interested companies have until January 17, 2014 to state their interest. The procedure of the dialogue, which is the last stage before the formal announ- cement of the tender, will be conducted between February and March 2014.
According to the Plan for the Technical Moderni- zation of the Polish Armed Forces in the years 2013-2022 and the Concept of Development of the Polish Navy by 2030, the Ministry of Defence plans to acquire three submarines for the Navy, two of which are expected to enter service in 2022, and the third by 2030.
The Polish Armament Inspectorate plans to launch a tender procedure in the second half of 2014. According to the recently presented plans, signature of a contract is tentatively scheduled for the second half of 2015, and the delivery of the first unit for 2019.
The value of the contract is estimated by the Po- lish authorities servicemen at about 7.5-9 billion Polish zloty (1.8-2.15 billion euros). So far, among the top contenders for the contract, the German Type 212A or Type 214 (produced by
TKMS) and the French Scorpene (DCNS) have been mentioned.
The former, however, does not meet Polish requi- rements which include the capability to fire anti- ship and land-attack missiles. This was confirmed by representatives of the Polish Ministry of De- fence during a special press conference. Among other potential bidders, submarines built in Kore- an shipyards are also mentioned.
The new submarines will replace four small, 40- year-old ships Kobben class (type 207) received nearly 10 years ago from Norway. Instead of be- ing withdrawing in 2015, as initially planned, they will have to remain in the service a few years longer, which will require additional investments. Taking into account the fact that the new subma- rines will be built in Europe in 5 or 6 years, it is probable that the new submarines will not come into service before 2022.
Besides the Kobbens-class boats, one Soviet Type 877E Kilo-class submarine, the ORP Orzel (Eagle) still remains in service with the Polish Navy.
Date of publication: 03.02.2014