The threshold of 30 countries required to ratify the MLC has been reached, as Philippines’ ratification is on the table.
The Maritime Labour Convention will come into force 12 months after the registered ratifications of at least 30 Member States with a total share of at least 33% of the world gross tonnage of ships. The gross tonnage element was achieved in 2009 (currently 59.85% of world’s tonnage is covered). The ratification by the Philippines will enable the Convention to come into effect as binding international law on August 20th 2013.
The MLC consists of 16 articles containing general provisions as well as the Code with five Titles in which specific provisions are grouped by Standards which are further specified in mandatory Regulations and Guidelines. The Conventions encompasses minimum requirements for seafarers to work on a ship; conditions of employment; accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering; health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection as well as compliance and enforcement.
The Philippines is the largest source of the world’s seafarers, with ca. 700,000 people, nearly half of which work overseas. Additionally, the country is the home of 30% of seafarers working on foreign flag ships.