Polish Chamber of Maritime Commerce and Polish Register of Shipping signed on 9 December 2014 a declaration of cooperation.
Polish Chamber of Maritime Commerce (PCMC) is a unit of economic self governance representing economic interests of entities associated in the organisation. One of the Chamber’s goals is to propagate education, training and upgrading of vocational and professional competencies by providing training. PCMC offers regular courses regarding draft survey, cargo arrangement, lashing and security on board, hazardous cargo storage in ports, ship agent training and others.
Polish Register of Shipping is a classification society with 75 years of experience in supervising, ship designing, building and supervision of ships, and other floating unit,s in service. Experience in updating competencies of PRS surveyors and access to the latest regulations triggered the decision to provide open and targeted training courses addressed to present and potential PRS clients shipowners, maritime administration, design bureaus, shipyards and others. The introduction of EU Directives and international convention provisions resulted in PRS offering such training courses as fuel switch in course of ship operation, MLC 2006 in theory and in practice, energy efficiency on board ships and the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships\' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM). PRS also runs bulkcarrier and tanker stability related seminars (Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers - IACS) as well as regular courses on construction and technical assessment of containers.
The declaration signed expresses the parties’ readiness to collaborate by mutually promoting offered training courses in response to clients’ needs.