Polish Register of Shipping bolsters its position on offshore market - MarinePoland.com
Polish Register of Shipping bolsters its position on offshore market
Date of publication: 23.04.2014

The Polish Register of Shipping is well aware of the changing market conditions and trends. In times of offshore boom, our organization uses its technical resources and intellectual capital to strengthen its position in this area.

Recently, thanks to the commitment and effort of PRS branch office in Dubai, PRS tonnage has won successive drilling units operating in the Persian Gulf, platforms support units, as well as an LPG gas carrier.

PRS performs surveys of offshore objects since the late 70’. Petrobaltic jack-up drilling platform was the first unit of this type that came under PRS technical supervision. Gradually, PRS has increased the scope of supervised appliances and systems; now, our organization performs surveys of offshore oil and gas drilling infrastructure, including platforms, underwater pipelines, trans-shipment buoys and platforms support units. PRS also surveys saturation diving systems used in service of underwater appliances.

Based on experience acquired through the years, PRS S.A. effectively operates in the area of underwater technology development. Our organization takes part in such projects as design and construction of new underwater objects. We also develop essential technical and logistic solutions, which ensure the safety of construction and people, as well as the protection of the marine environment.

PRS performs surveys based on own technical rules, local law requirements and international standards. PRS Rules are available here.

PRS Rules are constantly updated so as to face the changing market conditions. Now, we are developing technical rules for offshore objects permanently moored to the seafloor. These Rules will be published soon.

In the developing market for offshore services in Poland, the Polish Register of Shipping together with other entities, established the Polish Offshore Industry Forum. The forum wants to create the best conditions for permanent growth of innovation and competitiveness of the Polish offshore sector. To accomplish this goal, the forum intends to implement advanced technical and technological solutions especially in the production and operation of sea energy conversion plants.
