On June 12-14 2014, Szczecin hosted the Second International Maritime Congress – a debate devoted to maritime economy. The Congress was organised by the company POLSTEAM and the Northern Chamber of Commerce.
The subjects analysed by outstanding practitioners and experts in theory, entrepreneurs, representatives of the authorities and self governments, scientists and students during panel discussions, interdisciplinary workshops, debates and plenary lectures gave a fuller picture of today’s maritime economy and its significance for the national economy.
The Congress agenda was broken down into 4 thematic blocks :
1.Polish maritime economy – challenges and development opportunities (among others for Baltic ports and ferries),
2.Maritime economy – education, research and development (including the role of innovations in the marine sector),
3.The exploitation of marine resources (fishermen and fish processing),
4.Ecology and safety at sea (IMO goal-based standards for shipbuilding, legal aspects and marine insurance).
Block 4 was led by Dariusz Rudziński, Board President of Polish Register of Shipping, who watched over the discussions during day one and on day two moderated the panel IMO goal-based standards in shipbuilding – a review of classification societies’ regulations – who benefits?.
The panellists – Laurent Prat (DG MOVE), Dragos Rauta (Technical Director INTERTANKO) and Grzegorz Mazerski (Head of Deltamarin R&D Department) – stated that Goal Based Standards developed in IMO as well as the related IACS Harmonised Common Structural Rules (CSR-H) should in a long term perspective improve safety at sea and the protection of the natural environment. The newly imposed requirements will compel all parties involved in ship designing and building to adapt to the rapid developments in science and growing public expectations.
Presently GBS cover two types of ship structures, oil tankers and bulkcarriers over 150 m long. Other ship types are to be covered by theses standards in the future.
More information about the Congress on its website http://kongresmorski.pl/