RailPort Conference 2010: Railway business - private companies on the common European rail freight market. Warsaw, 19-20.05.2010
The process of liberalization and deregulation of rail transport in Europe has finished. The common market is establishing new opportunities for railway operators both in spatial and organizational scope. The processes of evolving of the European railway system from the national structure to the competitive market have activated private independent carriers and private capital investments. Today, the rail is not only a public service area or environmental transport solution but also the field for doing a good business. This is significant in relation to the European "Future of Transport" which provides new requirements and new transit directions. Increasing exchange with such regions like Scandinavia, Middle East or Africa could be an additional factor for railway traffic growth. At the same time, close cooperation with seaports and maritime transport is necessary. All abovementioned issues constitute the main area of discussion to be held at the RailPort Conference 2010.