Rolls-Royce has signed contracts to deliver an extensive package of ship equipment for ten anchor handling offshore vessels to the Malaysian ship builder Nam Cheong. The contract includes an option for equipment for additional future vessels.
The Rolls-Royce scope of delivery includes both deck machinery and propulsion to vessels designed by Nam Cheong for anchor handling operations with a vessel pulling power (bollard pull) of 80 tonnes. The contract for equipment for the 10 vessels is worth £20 million to Rolls-Royce. Nam Cheong Limited is the second largest builder of Offshore Support Vessels east of the Suez Canal.
The vessels will be built at different shipyards, four in Malaysia and six in China. Anders Almestad, President offshore, Rolls-Royce Marine, said: “We are proud to be part of such an impressive new building programme. Nam Cheong is an experienced builder of offshore vessels, and we look forward to continue working with them.” The vessels will be equipped with several low pressure hydraulic driven winches from Rolls-Royce to be able to carry out a wide range of offshore anchor handling and supply duties. Rolls-Royce will also deliver azimuth propellers, two tunnels thrusters and the propulsion control system (Helicon X3) for each of the vessels.
Rolls-Royce, November 21, 2013