FGS PLANET at the Port of Gdynia - MarinePoland.com
FGS PLANET at the Port of Gdynia
Date of publication: 16.09.2017

This Saturday (on 16 September of this year) an extremely interesting unit of Bundesmarine (German Navy) will arrive at the Port of Gdynia, namely FGS Planet, built as a SWATH design, i.e. a catamaran. FGS Planet is 73 meters long and 27.2 wide, with a draught of 6.8 meters and it is expected to moor at the French Quay.

FGS Planet was built at the Nordseewerke shipyard in Emden and has been in service since 2005. The ship is designed for oceanographic research – it focuses primarily on issues related to the subject matter of the potential of reduction of physical fields and increased detection of submarines, as well as application of new means and procedures in underwater warfare, as well as delivery of information necessary for operation of fleet on high seas. Research functions of the vessel are supported by the use of the so-called quiet diesel and electric drive.

On the board of the vessel – like on a typical scientific and research vessel, there are research laboratories and living facilities for the scientific and research personnel and – on the stern – a series of cranes, davits and hoisting winches to handle research equipment. It can also carry five 20-feet containers.

FGS Planet looks like a regular ship, as it is not painted grey like military vessels – the catamaran’s sides are dark blue. The ship has no tactical hull numbers (A1473) either.