Sławomir Kalicki, President of Inter Marine Group in Gdynia, talks to Łukasz Szostak.
Your company was established in 1990. Please, describe its development over 22 years. What was the impact of joining the international trade organizations by Poland on it and how big is a current rage of your activity? Foundations of current activity and position of Inter Marine were services of employment agency for sailors and agency activity for the ship owners. After several years the offer was improved by shipping service, employment agency on land, fish and seafood import or services for shipyard and off shore mining industry. We are active in a field of searching new markets for our expansion. The best proof for the thesis is our shipyard activity. We cooperate with shipyards and ship owners worldwide, whereas, greater and greater contribution is provided by mining industry service. We have done repairs of rigs in Africa, not mentioning numerous works in Europe. We see a huge potential in this sector of the market, but which is not that accessible as it requires fulfilling the highest norms of quality of works and environment protection by the participants. After joining the EU by Poland in 2004, the European and world markets went wide open, many barriers disappeared, whereas, the company spread the wings. Since then, we opened daughter companies in China, Singapore, Great Britain, Germany and even Nigeria.
Was Gdynia a natural choice for Inter Marine seat? What decided on that in 1990 and how is it nowadays to run the Group from Pomerania? Activity we started with in 1990 was connected with employment agency for sailors. We always wanted to be close to our clients and where else than in Gdynia is the largest number of seamen? Location of the company in this place was a natural choice. Besides, as it is easy to notice, despite diversification of activity, all we do is based on sea – employment for sailors and shipyard workers, fish trade, logistics, shipyard and off shore industry service, port agency and chartering – there’s no possibility to have the seat in some other place. Nowadays, with developed communication technology, flight connections, managing a company from Pomerania isn’t a problem. Reaching our branch in China, Singapore or Nigeria by flying from Gdansk isn’t a challenge. I believe that a lack of Warsaw bustle allows us to act in a calmer and more balanced way. In a historical point of view, Gdynia and the Pomeranian region were also pro-business areas, thus, even several years ago it was worth investing there.
A list of successes you had in the maritime industry is impressive. It’s enough to mention the European Medal for Line Agency, Golden Shackle Diploma for the most reliable agency of employment agency for sailors or “Civitas e mari” medal given to the largest companies of Pomerania. What do you consider your greatest success? We are pleased while receiving distinctions. It proves that our actions are recognized by the business circles, such as Business Gazelle or Amber Egg. However, we have great sentiment for distinction received from our clients, the already mentioned Golden Shackle is one of such special awards, as we received it from the sailor circles, alike Agent of the Year award given by the U.S. Navy.
You have also non-business achievements – I mean sports and social activity of the Group. Sport is our hobby and a springboard from work. Apart from successes of our team in car races, a large group of our employees does various types of sport, sometimes almost on a professional level. We don’t want to be accused of exaggerating our charity activity, so I will only say that every year we support hospitals, orphanages, animal shelters. We have also many talented students for whom we try to improve conditions for work and mature life. It may sound idealistic, but we believe that what we do good for the others comes to us and brings us luck. We will definitely continue doing it, and there are so many needs that we always have a problem how to distribute the financial means.
You strongly emphasize an importance of ethical rules in your business activity. You have create your own Code of Ethics. Is it possible to constantly develop and maintain competitiveness on the market when you don’t play on the edge of a foul sometimes? Our Code of Behavior and Business Ethics consists of written rules we always followed. We stay away from dishonest behaviors, we play fair and professionally. A large group of our clients consists of companies we have been cooperating with for several years just because they trust our honesty.