Sunreef Yachts, the world leader in building luxury superyachts, signed an official agreement on cooperation with the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology. The main goal of this initiative is an exchange of experiences between the company and the university.
As part of this cooperation, Sunreef Yachts offers 4-weeks and 6-weeks holiday training and traineeships to students of the faculty. Additionally, the company’s highly qualified staff will share their practical knowledge and experience in designing and building of vessels with young engineers during a series of planned thematic lectures. For their part, the Gdansk University of Technology offered the shipyard their assistance in solving research issues based on their laboratory base, as well as technical support in preparing new projects and implementing innovations.
“For years Sunreef Yachts has been cooperating with research centres from around the world. We value the level of education represented by the Gdansk University of Technology very high, and some of our best specialists graduated from its Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology. We know how important the exchange of information and knowledge between academic centres and industry is, therefore we intend to develop our cooperation and act jointly on the local and international level”, said Francis Lapp, President of Sunreef Yachts, during the meeting.
In a longer perspective, Sunreef Yachts and the Gdansk University of Technology will jointly apply for a high research and development grant from implementation funds. In order to get such a grant, the university needs support from an efficient industrial undertaking.