Nowadays VISTAL Capital Group is carrying Offshore Eldfisk project for a Norwegian customer. The bridge and flare tower for the Eldfisk 2/7 S oil platform (weight of 1500t) are going to be finished soon. A characteristic feature of this challenge is thestandard of "mechanical completion", which means that fabricated by VISTAL elements will be directly transported to the oil field on the North Sea and there installed. Completion commissioning will take place at Vistal yard. Entering into the last phase of the project we started performing electrical, telecommunications , transportation systems and passive fire protection works. Pressure testing is well on the way and insulation of pipes will commenceshortly . In addition, the final part of the work is commissioning of the transmission systems made of duplex and superduplex steel, titanium and GRP/GRE. Testing process includes hot oil flushing, filling the tube up to a certain pressure (pressure test), videoinspection , passivation of stainlesssteel and special “pigs” for cleaning, moving inside the pipe. Only at this stage of the project you can see how complex is the task entrusted to VISTAL . The work is being performed by hundreds of people, very few of which have anything to do with the classic production of steel construction. This is the proof of the maturity of the VISTAL Capital Group and confirmation of the possibility of even the mostcomplex, multidisciplinary projects.Therefore more and more projects are in the implementation in the NEW YEAR 2013 !!!