This year's awards of GospodarkaMorska.pl portal – Lighthouses of Gospodarka Morska – have found their recipients. The statuettes were presented during a gala closing the first day of the Polish Ports 2030 Congress.
This year, the Lighthouses were
awarded for the fourth time. For the first time, statuettes for this
occasion were prepared by a respected Gdańsk sculptor, Stanisław
Szwechowicz. They were cast in bronze and depict a lighthouse against
the high waves.
This year, the editorial board of Gospodarka Morska decided to award four Lighthouses. The first one was awarded to the Port of Gdynia Authority S.A. for the implementation of infrastructural investments, including the construction of the Public Ferry Terminal. The award was received by the President of the Management Board, Jacek Sadaj, and the Vice-President, Maciej Bąk. Jacek Sadaj also thanked the entire Port of Gdynia team and partners who were involved in the awarded investment from the stage. – Each award is very motivating for us. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this success. I think this is an award that appreciates the effort and contribution of the entire port crew, but also of Doraco Construction Corporation, which was involved in the implementation of this task – he said.
fot. GospodarkaMorska.pl / Cezary Spigarski
Another Lighthouse was awarded to the Wody Polskie Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne for creating conditions for the development of inland navigation as a branch of transport at the ports of the Vistula and Oder estuaries. The award was received by Krzysztof Woś, the president of the company. – I am really honored by this distinction and probably all employees of Wody Polskie, just like me, are now proud that their hard work has been noticed in such an important place as the Polish Ports Congress. Recognition by the GospodarkaMorska.pl portal shows that what we do is important and needed, while motivating us to continue our efforts in promoting and ensuring sustainable shipping practices – he emphasized.
fot. GospodarkaMorska.pl / Cezary Spigarski
The Lighthouse was also received by the Port of Gdansk Authority S.A. for a record increase in transshipments and advancement in the rankings of European ports in 2022. Kamil Tarczewski, vice-president of the Port of Gdańsk, emphasized from the stage that he treated this award as granted to the entire industry, whose work contributed to the port's results. – I am pleased to accept this Lighthouse on behalf of the Port of Gdańsk Authority. It is not only an honor for us, but also an appreciation of the work of all stakeholders of the Port involved in logistics processes – he noted.
fot. GospodarkaMorska.pl / Cezary Spigarski
The winner of the award was also
Balticon S.A., which was awarded a statuette for the construction of
an intermodal terminal at the Port of Gdańsk. The award was received
by Tomasz Szmid, president of the company. – The huge effort of all
Balticon employees was crowned with success. We are very pleased.
This award will be one of the company's most valuable keepsakes –
he said.
fot. GospodarkaMorska.pl / Cezary Spigarski