The Polish Ports 2030 Congress was the largest and most significant event in the port industry. The positive reception and overwhelming interest ensured that the event will become a regular occurrence.
"The event, organized for the first time, had a very successful debut. We had 550 registered participants, over 70 experts discussing topics in 9 thematic panels, all indirectly and directly related to the maritime ports," said Mateusz Kowalewski, the event organizer and editor-in-chief of GospodarkaMorska.pl.
The conference proved to be a perfect fit and filled a gap in the maritime industry's event calendar.
"It had a high level of expertise and scientific quality - that's what the market was waiting for," acknowledged Adam Kłos, Director of the Commercial Department of the Gdańsk Port Authority.
Representatives from Poland's largest ports expressed their satisfaction with the organization of an event solely dedicated to their industry.
"It is crucial that all the elements constituting the port organism can come together, exchange experiences, and discuss needs. Thanks to this, we can design our infrastructure for the next decades," said Jacek Sadaj, President of the Gdynia Port Authority.
"It is evident that this is a success. I am confident that it will continue in the coming years. Other events combine various topics, but here, people came to talk specifically about ports," added Krzysztof Urbaś, President of the Szczecin and Świnoujście Port Authority.
The event was considered highly important, educational, and provided insights into the current situation of Polish ports in the global market. The mutual understanding among all the participants was appreciated, and the congress was seen as a place where everyone could openly discuss their problems and experiences.
"When talking about the maritime economy, we must talk about ports, which by their nature are city-building, region-forming, and industrial. They have many functions, including satellite functions related to all the units that cooperate with ports," emphasized Krzysztof Woś, President of the State Water Holding Company, Wody Polskie.
During the event, the "Lighthouses of Maritime Economy" awards were presented. The first award went to the Gdynia Port Authority for the implementation of infrastructure investments, including the construction of the Public Ferry Terminal. The next award was given to the State Water Holding Company, Wody Polskie, for creating conditions for the development of inland navigation as a branch of port transport at the mouth of the Vistula and Oder rivers. The Gdańsk Port Authority also received a "Lighthouse of Maritime Economy" award for its record growth in cargo handling and advancement in European port rankings in 2022. Balticon S.A., a company involved in the construction of an intermodal terminal in the Port of Gdańsk, was also recognized and received an award.
The Polish Press Agency, the largest news agency in Poland, was the main media patron of the congress. Among the media patrons were also the portals GospodarkaMorska.pl and ZielonaGospodarka.pl, as well as Radio Gdańsk.