In order to reduce the number of reloading activities performed, Port Gdański Eksploatacja purchased new reloading equipment, much more efficient than those that had been in operation before. Some of them are already working on the quays, together with water curtains and cannons generating fog and reducing dust.
Soon, two Liebherr LHM 550 mobile
cranes will be delivered to the Dworzec Drzewny Quay. The first in
the second half of June 2023, the second at the end of the year. The
cranes are equipped with coal and ore grabs and a universal container
spreader, allowing you to reload more coal in the same time and with
fewer operations. On the Szczecińskie Quay in December this year.
two new Liebherr LHM 280 mobile cranes will be delivered. They are
equipped for handling bulk cargo such as coal and grain and for
handling coiled sheets (c-hooks), and have one universal container
spreader. Contracts are signed for all these cranes and payments are
made in accordance with the schedule contained in the contract.
– PG Eksploatacja also purchased
a car wash for wheels and car chassis operating in a closed circuit,
and its assembly is nearing completion. It is fully mobile and it
does not release any pollutants outside the facility. Ultimately, it
will operate in the coming days in the area of the Górniczy Basin in
the part of the newly paved square between the F1 Security Station
and truck scales. It is a mobile device with automatic scraper
conveyors for removing impurities – announces Łukasz Malinowski,
President of the Port of Gdańsk Authority SA.
Moreover, PG Eksploatacja organized
and purchased about 70 water curtains and water mist cannons and
implements the recommendations of pouring water on storage yards in
the Górniczy Basin Region. Other operators also use similar
solutions. In addition, yards are cleaned wet, and the collected raw
material is transported to landfills provided for this purpose. The
port also cooperates with firefighters, using their knowledge. In the
event of strong winds, when the Harbor Master's Office suspends work
on the quays, operators are also to suspend reloading work, and they
must not load coal onto trucks from high altitudes to reduce dusting.
Most of the coal is to leave the port area by rail, which uses
conveyor belts and loaders to reload the raw material. Conveyor belts
also need to be watered.
Cleaning of streets and processing
of heaps
The Port of Gdańsk and all operators operating
here clean communication routes, i.e. roads, sidewalks, car parks,
mooring paths, located on land properties owned by the Port of Gdańsk
Authority. In addition, as agreed with the administrator of public
roads, the port cleans roads belonging to the city. The current
action will be carried out until July 15, and if there is still such
a need, it will be continued. Currently, the streets Ku Ujście,
Trasa Sucharskiego, Przetoczna, the tunnel under the Martwa Wisła
river, the beginning of ul. Płażyński. In total, it is over
287,000. square meters of space.
At the same time, coal handling
companies sprinkle heaps according to weather conditions. In order to
prevent dusting, communication routes and storage yards are cleaned
with wet equipment dedicated to such work, and the waste collected in
this way are transported to landfills. A cellulose and polymer
preparation is used on the heaps to reduce dust, and in the case of
heaps, which, under the influence of a large amount of water poured
on them, start to steam and smoke, they must be compacted in order to
cut off the oxygen supply to the smoldering fires. This may generate
smoke and steam, which will cease once the heap has stabilized.
Compaction is carried out in accordance with the technology
implemented by companies dealing with coal storage on a daily basis.
The raw material is stored longer than laminated, which results in
surface bonding and significant wind resistance.
Reloading of coal and grain
the area of the port of Gdańsk, in the summer, the operators will
continue to reload coal with such intensity as will be allowed by
transport organized by recipients of this raw material in the
country. The closer it gets to autumn, the collection and reloading
of coal for the next heating period will also take place.
– The raw material is imported
not only for the needs of households, but also for CHP plants to
provide entire cities with heat and electricity. Logistics companies
employed, e.g. by CHP plants will deliver coal to destinations,
adhering to the guidelines regarding the speed of transport and
covering loads with tarpaulins. Most loads, about 80 percent, leaves
the port by rail – says Kamil Tarczewski, Vice-President of the
Port of Gdańsk Authority.
In the case of road transport, if
the carriers do not comply with the procedures, the Port will
cooperate with the Police in order to enforce the rules for moving
heavy loads on public roads.
The companies reloading coal at the
port of Gdańsk include: Port of Gdańsk Eksploatacja,
Przedsiębiorstwo Przeładunkowo-Składowe Port Północny, Rudoport,
J&S Energy, Przedsiębiorstwo Przeładunkowo-Składowe
Siark-Port, Speed, Węglobud and Weglokoks, Handel i Minerały Nowak
and Polcopper. From the beginning of the increased transshipment of
coal at the Port of Gdańsk, the Port Authority has been in dialogue
with the operators in order to minimize the negative effects of
transshipment in the form of excessive dusting. Port operators ensure
that they are doing everything in their power to limit these effects
on an ongoing basis. Representatives of the Port also stay in touch
with them every day and react to the situation in the squares on an
ongoing basis. Coal from the area leased by Siark-Port is to be
removed by the end of May.
Less pollution, more parking and
In order to relieve potential congestion caused by
trucks, the PGA designated areas for the organization of buffer
points for trucks. These parking spaces are located at: Budowniczych
Portu Płn. (150 parking spaces), Ku Ujściu (80 parking spaces),
Załogowa (currently approx. 50 parking spaces, with the possibility
of increasing to 300), Śnieżna-Handlowa (170 parking spaces).
Buffer car parks are also planned at ul. Kontenerowa (for 600 cars)
and Builders of the Northern Port (for 150 cars). Currently, it is
also applying for permission from the City of Gdańsk for further
parking spaces for cars in the vicinity of the Port, due to the
possible increase in the number of grain transports from warehouses
throughout Poland to the Port and further by ships to destination
In addition, an application has
been placed on the website www.portgdansk.pl that allows you to view
historical data on air quality for all sensors located in the port
area. Thanks to it, you can find out what the air quality is in a
given place on a given day, but also how it has changed over the past
few days. Four new graphs include hourly averaged data for 3 days
back and daily averaged data for 7 days back. Air quality sensors
YetiBox are located in seven locations: in the Duty Free Zone, at the
Szczecińskie, Oliwskie and Krakowskie quays, Zakręt Pięciu
Gwizdków, at ul. of the Marynarki Polskiej and in the Outer Port.
Data charts are available at: https://bit.ly/3pQdSm9. Data on air
quality are also provided by Radio Gdańsk. The Port of Gdańsk is
also planning to install another even more sensitive sensor in a
location indicated by the Nowy Port District Council.
The PGA, together with
representatives of the Nowy Port district, is working to obtain the
consent of the administrator of urban areas for new plantings in Nowy
Port and talks with other districts to plant more trees there as
well. Currently, the port wants to plant 4,000 trees, for which it
needs a formal consent of the administrator of urban areas. In Nowy
Port, the planting project would take place along ul. Oliwska.