One of the safety policy principles of BC-Wind offshore wind farm and Ocean Winds is ensuring the employees safe working conditions and prevention of any accidents.
Polish OW staff participates in various safety trainings. One of them is international training system, created by Global Wind Organisation (GWO). In Poland it is organised by GWO certified partner, Gdynia Maritime School in association with Offshore Research, Development and Training Centre. Trainings are dedicated to wind farm employees and carried out by experienced lecturers who use the newest teaching base.
The aim of the GWO training is preparation for many kinds of dangerous situations which can happen both onshore and offshore during construction, operation and service of wind turbines. Participants learn how to survive in maritime environment, work on heights and provide first aid. They also habe the opportunity to get to know fire issues and gain skills crucial in physical work with heavy objects. So far 7 persons have been trained for particular GWO modules in OW and the number is constantly growing.
In December, the management team who develop BC-wind projects also took part in intensive three-days IOSH Managing System training. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the HSE managing systems, improvement of safety culture and identification of dangers as well as risk assessment.
December and January are when OW employees in Poland also take part in first aid trainings.