took 2.5 years to modernize the lighting system at the Port of
Gdańsk. Its purpose was, among other things, to improve the
technical parameters of lighting, as well as to save money on
day-to-day operations.
Until recently, the Port of Gdańsk
was dominated by lighting made in technology using mercury,
high-pressure sodium and metal halide light sources, among others.
Such a solution was not only more expensive to operate, but also
environmentally unfriendly.
The decision to carry out a
comprehensive modernization of the Port of Gdańsk lighting system
was made in 2018. First, on behalf of Port of Gdańsk Authority (ZMPG
S.A.), a Port of Gdańsk Lighting Audit was carried out, during which
1121 luminaires were inventoried along with their power supply
network. The next step was to develop a Functional and Utility
Program (PFU) for the modernization of the system, which was the
basis for the design and execution of this investment. The lighting
replacement took place from December 2019 and was completed in spring
„The project consisted of modernizing the lighting
system in the area administered by the Port of Gdańsk Authority. It
included, among other things: replacing more than a thousand sodium
and mercury vapor fixtures with LED fixtures, replacing nearly 300
poles with extension arms, replacing 3 old lattice towers with modern
steel masts, and implementing a lighting management system. This
means real savings for us, and at the same time a positive impact on
the environment," Kamil Tarczewski, vice-president of the Port
of Gdańsk Authority S.A., enumerates.
All installed
luminaires have been equipped with LED light sources. Their power in
relation to the old luminaires was reduced by about half (from about
360 kW to about 180 kW), resulting in savings of 50 percent. They
operate under the supervision of the City Touch control and
monitoring system. This is a web-based platform for managing
lighting. It allows control of energy consumption, adjusts the amount
of light to a given location, time of day and weather conditions.