Four years after the takeover, the shipyard achieved PLN 21 million in operating profit, said Paweł Lulewicz, president of PGZ Stocznia Wojenna (PGZ Naval Shipyard) on Tuesday. Deputy Minister Marcin Horała said that if it were not for the PiS government, a housing estate or a supermarket would stand in the place of the shipyard.
On Tuesday, in front of the gate
of the PGZ Stocznia Wojenna in Gdynia, Deputy Minister of Funds and
Regional Policy Marcin Horała and the president of PGZ Stocznia
Wojenna Paweł Lulewicz organized a press conference in which, among
others, informed about the financial situation of the shipyard.
Horała recalled that in 2009, the
bankruptcy of the Naval Shipyard SA was announced and in 2017 it was
bought by Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa Stocznia Wojenna.
"The shipyard was in
bankruptcy liquidation. The trustee put it up for sale. And probably
if the Platforma Obywatelska (Civic Platform) was still in power when
this happened, and it happened just after the end of their rule,
there would probably be a development estate where we are standing,
Biedronka, Lidl or another supermarket, not a shipyard," Horała
"Fortunately, they did not
make it in time. It was already the beginning of the rule of Prawo i
Sprawiedliwość party (Law and Justice), by decision of the
governments - Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa bought the assets of the
former Naval Shipyard, created a new entity PGZ Stocznia Wojenna,
which, of course, is not without problems, not without difficulties,
but is developing excellently." - said the deputy minister.
He stated that the company
recorded a profit last year and is "attracting further
contracts" and implementing the "Miecznik" program.
To confirm these words, the
president of PGZ Stocznia Wojenna, Paweł Lulewicz, spoke at the
conference and emphasized that the company he manages "four
years after the takeover, achieved a profit on its operating
activities." "We are not talking about the sale of assets,
we are not talking about accounting procedures. We are talking about
the fact that we generated a net profit of PLN 21 million from our
hard work," said the president.
"This would not be possible
without the orders that have begun to flow in recent years from the
Ministry of National Defense for the modernization and renovation of
units for the Polish Navy," he said.
He also pointed out that the
strategy of the Polish Armaments Group is responsible for this
result, which "strengthens the maritime component, strengthens
and develops the industry branch."
"This would not be possible
if it were not for the fact that we managed to build a team of
professionals at the shipyard who do their job very well, who have
recently introduced a lot of new solutions to the shipyard based on
their experience, based on experience from the industry and the
implementation of foreign contracts in other entities," Lulewicz