Alpin Weld is a company that has completely redefined the standards in rope access and offshore welding. An innovative approach and a real passion for working at the highest level have made her one of the leading players in the industry.
In the offshore sector, precision
and quality are fundamental aspects that determine the success of a
project. The Alpin Weld team is perfectly prepared to cope with any,
even the most demanding, task.
The beginning of the journey
The genesis of Alpin Weld is the story of Adam
Kozłowski and Paweł Rudacki, who successfully transformed their
vision and competences into a dynamically developing company offering
professional services at heights, especially in the field of welding.
– We started 15 years ago in the
oil and gas sector. We worked as a welding service on mining and
drilling platforms, the so-called drillships. We have been engaged by
various very large companies, including Semco Maritime or Houlder. In
2018, we learned about the IRATA system and transformed our skills to
be able to work as rope access welders – says Adam Kozłowski,
president of the management board.
It was then that the idea for my
own company was born. The founders of Alpin Weld identified a certain
niche on the market, which they decided to develop, capitalizing on
their many years of experience and expertise. Vice-president of the
management board, Paweł Rudacki, points out that the industry is
facing a noticeable lack of experienced welders who can
professionally perform their work at heights.
– Until we entered this sector,
it was usually industrial climbers who tried to become welders.
However, we knew from our own experience that this could not be
possible. There is no way for someone who works with ropes to learn
to weld in such a difficult environment, he explains.
– Our idea was to transform
welders who have experience working in shipyards, workshops,
steelworks and power plants into rope access technicians – he adds.
The recruitment process for Alpin
Weld is quite specific. While ensuring that a person is an excellent
welder, the company must also verify the issue of fear of heights and
space anxiety.
– For this purpose, we send our
potential employees to our friendly training center RelyOn Nutec in
Gdańsk (formerly GoRopes – editor's note), where they can put on a
harness, hang on the ropes themselves and check whether they have
these fears. After this initial verification, we start preparing the
welder to work at heights. We send such a candidate to GWO, IRATA,
SOFT courses or other typical offshore training, which ends with
obtaining appropriate qualifications and certificates – emphasizes
Synergy of competences
and Rudacki's assumption can be considered downright revolutionary in
its intuitive simplicity. Alpin Weld focuses on combining the
competences of experienced welders with experts in workplace safety.
– We have people responsible for
health and safety at work. These are so-called Level 3 IRATA
technicians who have extensive experience in rope access. They ensure
that our welders are safe and create working conditions that allow
them to focus on welding work. Their safety during work is constantly
monitored by a person whose task is to ensure this safety – says
Currently, the company has 30 rope
access welders with outstanding skills in their profession. The
quality of the services they provide is noticed and appreciated all
over the world, which makes Alpin Weld a recognized brand.
All contracts and framework
agreements concluded by the company are naturally subject to
confidentiality clauses, but it can be said that the Alpin Weld team
works most often on the German and Scandinavian markets. They
recently amazed everyone by completing another welding project
involving welding transformer stations to foundations in the North
Sea in 25 hours when the client expected it to take approximately 5
days. – Importantly, we did it not only quickly, but above all
qualitatively. There were no corrections, the client did not raise
any comments and, most importantly, the work was carried out in
compliance with all health and safety rules – emphasizes Rudacki.
It should be noted that Alpin Weld
is not only a certified welding company. Kozłowski and Rudacki also
offer non-destructive testing (NDT), which is extremely important in
quality control of marine structures. Thanks to rope access, Alpin
Weld experts are able to quickly identify problems and take
appropriate action.
– The comprehensiveness of our
services is what makes us stand out on the market. We carry out NDT
tests ourselves, which are then verified by an independent laboratory
and we then carry out repairs ourselves. Our clients appreciate this
because they do not have to use additional efforts and resources –
notes Kozłowski.
Alpin Weld's offer is valuable
especially in the offshore wind farm sector.
– Wind turbines are steel
structures exposed to external atmospheric factors, which
unfortunately partially destroy these structures. This is a common
problem that opens the way for us to work on turbines. Through NDT
testing, we identify the type of problem. In addition, we have staff
who can repair any weld or other thing on the construction. We
examine not only the joints in the monopile structure, but also in
the gondola structure. The premise is very intuitive. The windmill is
high, so to get to this place you have to organize it somehow. There
are, of course, various types of trolleys, baskets and elevators on
the market that can be used. However, access to certain structural
elements of the turbine will be difficult, very expensive or
sometimes even impossible. All these devices have their advantages
and disadvantages. We, through rope access, can create an environment
for repairs in the place where we need them. We save time, money,
and, above all, we do it precisely – illustrates Paweł Rudacki.
Expansion and the future
company does not intend to rest on the laurels of its past successes.
Founders are constantly looking for new markets and customers to
continually scale their business. Their ambitious goal is to obtain
the status of an NDT laboratory, which will allow them to expand the
scope of services and meet the most stringent quality standards.
The history of Alpin Weld is an
example of determination and an innovative approach that is truly
transforming the industry. The company not only meets the
expectations of the most demanding customers, but also creates the
future of the dynamically developing offshore industry. A unique
approach to employee training, integrating welding and safety
competences and consistent pursuit of the highest quality make Alpin
Weld stand out on the global market. Adam Kozłowski and Paweł
Rudacki are constantly looking for new opportunities and raising the
bar, which puts them in a leadership role, setting the direction for
the future of the sector in Poland and around the world.