Polenergia informed that together with Equinor they have selected a company that will deliver electric system for both their offshore wind farms MFW Bałtyk II and III.
According to the agreement signed on 30th of December, the new partner for the MFW Bałtyk II and MFW Bałtyk III projects is Hitachi Energy Poland sp. z o. o. The company will deliver electric infrastructure for both projects of a capacity of 700 MW each.
As we can read from Polenergia's report, Hitachi Energy Poland will be responsible for:
- Electrical System Design for both offshore wind farms,
- turnkey delivery of the whole onshore substation (EPC system),
- overall power control system, overall telecom network, all high voltage equipment at the offshore substation and the onshore substation,
- installation and connection work,
- integration of all equipment from cooperating contractors,
- system analyses.
The three companies made an agreement in the form of two identical contracts (Polenergia-Hitachi, Equinor-Hitachi) worth overally 251 million euro.
„The payment will also be indexed. In cases stated in the Contracts the Contractor will be able to demand a higher salary. Therefore the final salary can differ to the numbers stated above” - says Polenergia's report. The new contractor is to start work as soon as a number of permits and legal safeguards allow, such as provision by Polenergia and Equinor of the required insurance policies. To that date, Hitachi has an interim request to start work (called INTP). During this period, the issuer will be required to secure payment to the contractor in the form of a corporate guarantee. This will amount to 50% of both companies' INTP liabilities, i.e. approx. 18.5 million euros. At the stage of the later request to start design work (NTP), this will be 33.5 million euros.
Polenergia and Equinor are currently developing two offshore wind projects in the Polish exclusive economic zone in the Baltic Sea – the MFW Bałtyk II and MFW Bałtyk III. Both corporates own equally 50% shares in the investment. 11th January 2023 in Gdańsk, the companies are organising a Supplier Day for companies interested in being involved in the projects.
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