Our next article in the "Polish offshore wind status" series summarizes the development activities of the Baltica 2+3 and Baltica 1 offshore wind farms - both of which are part of the portfolio of the PGE Group. It is expected that the first of these projects will begin construction in 2024. Additionally, technical analyses are being conducted as part of the process of developing a service base. A representative from PGE Baltica, Marcin Poznan, responded to our questions.
PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna is the principal energy provider in Poland, largely based on coal. It presented a new strategy in 2020 setting the path for decarbonising production and achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Investing in offshore wind energy in the Baltic Sea will be a key component of the company's transformation. Currently, the company is implementing wind projects with a capacity of about 3,4 GW, but it wants more. Currently, the investor is competing for new location permits - it has received the highest scores so far.
Baltica offshore wind farms
It was within the last decade that the PGE Group began implementing its offshore program. They led to obtaining location permits for Baltica 1 Wind Power Plant, Baltica 2 Wind Power Plant and Baltica 3 Wind Power Plant, and connection conditions for Baltica 3 Wind Power Plant in 2012. In 2021, PGE finalized an agreement with Ørsted to create a joint venture for the Baltica 2 and Baltica 3 projects.
Baltica 2 and Baltica 3 have obtained location permits (PszW), connection conditions and a connection agreement, environmental decisions for the offshore part, and environmental decisions for the connection infrastructure. The projects were granted the right to a contract for difference (CfD). As Poland's first offshore projects, they also received decisions on individual levels of support at both the national (Energy Regulatory Office) and European levels (European Commission). A location permit (PszW), connection conditions, and a connection agreement have been issued for Baltica 1.
According to investors, the project is on schedule, and construction of Baltica 2+3 will begin in 2024. Preparatory work is currently in progress. Baltica 3 is expected to start producing energy in 2026, and Baltica 2 - in 2027. The farm will operate for 30 years. As far as Baltica 1 is concerned, the project is only in the process of measuring the environment and wind.
Research and contracting
Poznań informed that wave and wind studies, comprehensive environmental studies, including some geophysical studies, have been completed for Baltica 2+3. A detailed geotechnical campaign is currently being conducted. Laboratory tests are also being carried out
- Further geophysical research is scheduled for 2023 and 2024 - he points out.
For Baltica 1, wave and wind tests as well as environmental tests are underway.
As for the progress of contracting, the main tender procedures for the offshore and onshore parts of Baltica 2 and Baltica 3 - as reported by investors - are at an advanced stage, and the results will be communicated successively along with the signing of contracts. One of the most significant decisions in 2022 was the selection of the contractor for the construction project for Baltica 2 and Baltica 3 (Danish Ramboll and Polish design office Projmors). The selection of a contractor for environmental studies for Baltica 1 (a consortium of the Gdynia Maritime University and MEWO) was also of key importance.
Polish companies in Polish projects
Other Polish entities have also been engaged by investors, in addition to the aforementioned design office. It is e.g. Energoprojekt Katowice (design documentation), MEWO within the consortium (geotechnical studies), ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z o. o. (feasibility study, construction design and obtaining a decision to build a connection), Antea Polska (preparatory work related to the construction of a service port in Ustka), DNV GL Poland (technical consulting), Polish Geological Institute (technical consulting in the field of geological and engineering works), Offshore Wind Consultants Sp. z o. o. (supervision of the geotechnical campaign for Baltica 2 and Baltica 3), Polish Academy of Sciences (research on the wind blockage effect and related to the preparation of the service port).
Supplier Days are also organized by investors to facilitate direct contact with potential subcontractors and service providers. In the spring of 2022, nearly 800 representatives of enterprises potentially interested in cooperation took part in the organized Supplier's Days. Of these, over 500 are Polish enterprises, the company informed us. A few months later, during one of the industry conferences, a joint workshop of PGE Baltica and Ørsted for suppliers was held, devoted to safety standards.
What about ports?
Considering the location of the wind project, it would be most advantageous for investment to use the Tri-City port. Marcin Poznań says that Gdańsk is of interest to PGE in terms of the installation terminal due to its technical capabilities, port conditions and close proximity to the projects under construction, as well as the possibility of using the local content potential. In his remarks, he reminds us that the port at this location has been designated as an installation port by a resolution of the Council of Ministers, and that a government steering committee has been established to guide this investment.
- The construction of the installation port in Gdansk is expected to be completed within a specified timeframe due to the schedule of our investment - says the spokesman.
This in turn will allow PGE to establish a service base for future projects at the port of Ustka.
- We are currently conducting a detailed technical analysis of the recently acquired land. By using them, we will be able to create several variants of land development. From these, we will be able to select the one that best suits the requirements of servicing offshore wind farms. We intend to begin construction in 2024, after obtaining all administrative approvals, including, in particular, a building permit. We plan to complete construction and obtain an occupancy permit in 2026, he says.
Cooperation with Polish universities and meetings with local communities
Various media outlets, social channels, and speeches at industry conferences can be used to track the progress of projects on an ongoing basis.
- At the turn of December 2022 and January 2023, we launched a new version of the website on the Baltica 2+3 project at baltica.energy. A number of activities are being conducted in the area of local social communication, such as meetings with residents and authorities of the Choczewo commune, where the infrastructure for power evacuation will be built - says Poznań.
PGE Baltica has already established cooperation with Polish universities (Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdynia Maritime University, Lazarski University in Warsaw), which allows for the education of staff necessary for the Polish offshore sector as part of master's and post-graduate studies.
A student who is interested in pursuing post-graduate studies may do so at the Maritime University of Gdynia in the field of "Risk management in the offshore mining industry and offshore wind energy".
On the other hand, at the Gdańsk University of Technology, studies are carried out "Design and construction of offshore energy systems (specialty in master's studies in the field of Ocean Engineering), and postgraduate classes "Offshore wind energy". Scholarships are offered by the company to the most talented students in master's studies, and PGE Baltica specialists conduct lectures for post-graduate studies.
Lazarski University in Warsaw conducts studies on "Offshore wind energy - management, preparation and implementation of investments".
A number of secondary schools are also cooperating with PGE Baltica (technical schools in Ustka and Malbork) in order to teach young people about offshore wind energy and indicate career opportunities in this industry at this stage.
- Our company participates in offshore job fairs hosted at universities as well. PGE Baltica cooperates with the authorities of Ustka in the implementation of social projects, e.g. in the field of revitalization of green spaces in the city. It also co-organizes the annual series of educational events called "Plaża PGE - Discover the power of the Baltic wind" organized during holidays in seaside towns. So far, two editions of the project have already taken place.
information as of February 6, 2023.
As part of the series, an article about the Ocean Winds project was also published. Read here: Polish offshore wind status: where is BC-Wind