In our new series of articles on offshore wind in Poland, we are gathering the status of progress in particular offshore wind farm projects. One of them is BC-Wind, developed by Ocean Winds (OW). What has already been achieved? Follow us on MarinePoland.com.
Aleksandra Jampolska, press officer at Ocean Winds, presented the summary of the actions within the project. BC-Wind is the first offshore wind farm carried out by the investor, developed since 2012. Over 10 years ago the investor received localisation decision for zone C and in 2013 – zone B. In 2019, Ocean Winds, as a SPV owned by French company ENGIE and Spanish EDP Renováveis began its operations.
BC-Wind is an offshore wind farm of 399 MW capacity, located 23 km from seashore, north of Krokowo and Choczewo. Its area is 90.94 km2. It is expected to have 31 turbines, 13 MW in basic variant.
In 2020, the project received conditions of network connection, issued by the Polish Electroenergetic Networks (PSE). In June 2021, BC-Wind received the right for the Contract of Difference from the president of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE). Thanks to that, it will be one of the first offshore wind investments finished in Poland. Also in 2021, the company received permission for layering and maintenance of submarine cables for the connecting infrastructure. (PUUK). In September 2022, Ocean Winds received environmental decision for the farm, which is another milestone in the project.
– To receive a environmetal decision, Ocean Winds carried out a number of complex research with over 160 experts, 15 vessels, remotely operated submarine vehicle and a specialistic aircraft being involved. We researched a 284 km2 area and gathered information on 140 objects on the Baltic seabed – informs Jampolska.
In 2019-2021, at the location of the BC-Wind farm, a windiness measurement campaign was carried out. In 2019, environmental studies were launched. Using a remotely operated underwater vehicle, information was collected, e.g. about boulder fields, cable lines, characteristic geological formations or locations of wrecks at the bottom.
– With the use of submarine acoustic detectors and observation airplane, we studied presence of sea birds and birds migrating over the planned investment, activity of bats and presence of sea mammals. A hydrological and meteorogical monitoring was also carried out, with sea flows taken into account, over 1,700 litres of water were taken for preliminary geological analysis of quality of surface and bottom waters – informs the press officer.
In 2023, the investor is planning specific geotechnical research for particular wind turbines localisations. Geotechnical research for sea and coastal part of export cable is also planned. When closer to the construction being started, surveys for unexploded ordnance and chemical weapons will also be carried out.
First energy to flow in 2027
Energy produced in BC-Wind offshore wind farm should be introduced to KSE for the first time in 2027. As informs Ms. Jampolska, the project will be carried out according to the schedule. Lifetime of the farm is calculated for 25 years. Based on further assessment, the time can be prolonged to 30 years.
Service and component suppliers
Jampolska informs that Ocean Winds has already selected contractors for the construction permit (CPD Construction Permit Design), onshore station designer and export cable project.
– We are in the process of selecting subcontractors for the project of the offshore station and works related to UXO, Metocean and Geophysics research. All tenders in the EPCI formula have already been sent to the market, we are waiting for offers and we are talking to the subcontractors, she informs.
In May 2022, Ocean Winds together with the manager of the port in Władysławowo, "Szkuner" company, agreed on a preliminary lease agreement for the land and quay in the port. Choosing Władysławowo for the location of the service base was with the full support of the city council in Puck. The agreement concerns two marked out areas: a warehouse and logistics area with an area of 3,000 m2 and a quay with a length of about 60 m.
Preliminary analyses of Ocean Winds showed that using ports in Gdynia or Gdańsk as installation ports will be the most suitable. Another analysed port was the port in Świnoujście.
Polish business involvement so far
In 2021-2022, the investor identified companies which could participate in the first phase of the development of offshore elevators in Poland.
– We estimate that there are 50-70 such companies ready to cooperate now (Tier 2 / Tier 3). These are the companies that actively participate in our Suppliers Days. We have done an extensive identification of all domestic companies that could participate in the supply chain. There are up to 500 such companies in Poland. For the BC-Wind project, we anticipate a local share in the supply chain of 37% in the base variant. Depending on when and how the second phase of OWE will develop, we want to gradually increase this factor. In the development variant, it is planned that Polish suppliers will have a share in deliveries at the level 51% - explains Jampolska.
Human resources
As of December 2022, 43 people, including interns, worked in the project. 91 percent is a team from Poland.
Contact with the surroundings
Ocean Winds informs that it is in dialogue with local stakeholders, participates in meetings with local authorities and residents of Choczewo community where the connection infrastructure for the BC-Wind offshore wind farm will be located. The company is planning to continue the dialogue with the local community for the rest of the investment being developed.
As a signatory of the Polish Offshore Wind Sector Deal, OW also actively participates the most important working groups devoted to the impact of offshore wind energy on fisheries. In mid-2021, it organized information meetings with representatives of the largest fishing associations. Actions are also planned to engage fishermen in an open dialogue on the future of their activities after the launch of offshore wind farms.
Ocean Winds in Poland is also carrying out information activities dedicated to supply chain companies. This is the sending of dedicated press releases, participation in the most important conferences and events of the offshore industry, organization of direct meetings with representatives of companies from the supply chain, organization of open webinars, meetings and stationary workshops. In March 2022, a dedicated website and database of IA suppliers were also created.
Jampolska stressed that education is a crucial element of the OW's supply chain. In 2021-2022 school year, in cooperation with Industrial Development Academy (Przemysłowa Akademia Rozwoju), the company started "Career with the Wind" educational programme dedicated to 2nd and 3rd year students of technical secondary schools. The aim of the programme was to let the students learn about the offshore wind sector. Additionally, the investor is running an international pilot programme for children aged 8-12. Primary schools are equipped in educational materials to carry out 2 classes on offshore wind and renewable energy.
Until 2020, Ocean Wind initiated an international programme for technology university students was also run.
*information as per December 22nd, 2022 .