The Norweskie, Czeskie and Duńskie Quays - despite the winter, intensive works are being carried out everywhere there, thanks to which the port in Szczecin will become more accessible also to larger vessels. Good news comes from the construction - the planned works have already been completed in over 54 percent.
The investment in the Port of
Szczecin is gigantic. A new Norweskie quay is to be built, which is
an extension of the line of the already existing Fińskie quay, which
today serves as a container terminal. It is also planned to
reconstruct the existing Czeskie and Słowackie quays, together with
the modernization of the technical infrastructure in the immediate
hinterland of the quays. In addition, the head plate Duńskie Quay is
to be built, with a length of approx. 770 meters, which will protect
the shore of Ostrów Grabowski and will extend the line of the
Norweskie quay in the future.
But it doesn't end there. The
Dębicki Canal will be widened from 120 meters to 200 meters and
deepened to a technical depth of 12.5 meters.
The investor for this ambitious
task is the Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority SA, while
the general contractor of the consortium of NDI Sp. z o. o. and NDI
SOPOT S.A., which is already implementing such hydrotechnical
challenges as, for example, digging through the Vistula Spit and
expanding the Duńskie and Indyjskie Quays in the Port of Gdynia.
Winter crosses the lines
- In this case, time is the biggest
challenge for us, which is why we carry out works on all fronts at
the same time - says Irena Filipek, Works Manager from the NDI Group.
And he calculates that when it
comes to reinforced concrete works, more than 52 percent of the
structure of the Czeskie Quay (applies to Stage I with a length of
316.5 m), 44 percent of the Norweskie Quay and 72 percent of the
Dauńskie Quay. And it is worth adding that when the weather was
unfavorable, some works had to be postponed - for example, concreting
cannot be carried out at sub-zero temperatures, so this type of work
had to be suspended.
– We are also constantly carrying
out work related to the construction of embankments on Ostrów
Mieleński Island. We have made 205 out of 292 containers, which is
70.21 percent progress - adds Irena Filipek.
So far, piling works have also been
carried out related to the driving of a combined wall from the water
side, piles have been driven from the land side and anchors have been
made on the Czeskie Quay at a length of 316.5 meters. In turn, on the
Norweskie Quay, piling works related to the driving of sheet piles
were carried out, micro-pile anchors and CFA piles were made along
the entire length of the quay, and the storage yard was strengthened.
In addition, on the Duńskie Quay, piling works were carried out
related to the driving of sheet piles of the sheet piling and
micropile anchors were made along a length of 770 meters, i.e. on the
entire quay.
Moreover, the entire fender line on
the Fińskie Quay was also replaced. The entire working platform for
the embankments along the entire length on the island of Ostrów
Mieleński has been completed and embankments are being built. To
date, more than 70 percent of this type of work has been completed.
The great equipment is on the
In order for the works to run
quickly and efficiently, the general contractor uses the most modern
equipment, e.g. pile driver, vibratory hammers, bolting machines,
haulers, dredgers, piling machines, as well as pontoons and pushers.
As he emphasizes, although a huge range of investments has already
been completed, there are still many important tasks to be done.
– In the near future, we plan to
resume dredging works consisting in deepening the Dębicki Canal. We
will also continue reinforced concrete works on the quays, continue
to build embankments on the island of Ostrów Mieleński, and build a
crane track and a railway track on the Czeskie quay - says Piotr
Arabczyk, Project Director from the NDI Group.
The investment is one of the
flagship projects implemented by Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports
Authority in the port of Szczecin. It aims to improve access to the
port of Szczecin in the area of the Dębicki Canal. Currently, the
Czeskie and Słowackie quays are the most intensively used general
cargo quays there, and the modernization will ensure that their
parameters are adjusted to handle the largest ships.
The project is co-financed by the
European Union from the Cohesion Fund under the Operational Program
Infrastructure and Environment. The gross cost is approx. PLN 343.1